Author Archives: Lynn Chancel

The Logo of this LYNN CHANCEL & TOWERS is adapted from the usage of Brethren of the Order of St. Benedict of Nursia, present day Italy. It is a Christian…

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All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.(John 1-3)NKJV The president of Lynn Chancel and Towers Missions the Very Revd. Dr. Fynface N.…

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Lynn Chancel and Towers Missions marks her one year anniversary of online worship, as a reformation in the Anglican worship tradition. The unfolding of the Covid-19 pandemic, that conditioned many…

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The Lent season was a full package season in our Lady Lynn Chancel, with series of events uncovering the reflective life experiences of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.This Season…

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The honoured visit of the Awka Paul University Theological Faculty, graced the premises of our Lady Lynn Chancel & Towers Mission on the 7th day of February, 2021.The President welcomed…

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